Adrian Miller

Job Title

BJE Board
Adrian Miller


Adrian and her husband Larry have three children: Daniel, Felicia and Madeline.  Daniel is married to Jessica and they have two children: Julia attends Brawerman Elementary School of Wilshire Boulevard Temple, and Charlie attends preschool at Wilshire Boulevard Temple.  Felicia is married to Zachary and they have a daughter, Abigail, who attends preschool at Temple Akiba.  All are BJE-affiliated schools.

The Millers have been Beverly Hills residents for 37 years.

Adrian graduated from UCLA. Professionally she has been a department store buyer and most recently, in the pharmaceutical industry. She is past co-chair of the BJE Financial Resource Development Committee, which raises the funds necessary to carry out BJE programs and activities. Adrian and Larry were participants on the amazing BJE 2016’s Adult March of the Living trip.