Jessica Jablon
Job Title

Jessica Jablon has been active in the Los Angeles community for over 20 years since her now mother-in-law said the only way to make changes is to get involved.
She was a member of the Women’s Department of The Jewish Federation Valley Alliance for many years and on the Board of Directors at Valley Beth Shalom. Her children went through VBS preschool and religious school. They attend Camp Ramah, and have been involved with USY, BBYO, and their school’s Jewish Student Union club.
Jessica’s interest in the Jewish community became a career when her volunteer role as PJ Library Ambassador turned into a position as PJ Library Associate. She is now the CA Regional Director of Sharsheret, the Jewish Breast and Ovarian Cancer Community. Through her work, she is connected with many Jewish schools and synagogues in the Los Angeles area.
Jessica lives in the valley with her husband Andrew, her three children, Veronica, Eliana and Aubrey, and their two large dogs.