Accessing Government and Foundation Funding

Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

BJE convenes a consortium of its affiliated schools within the Los Angeles Unified School District to benefit from federal funds made available through ESEA (formerly called No Child Left Behind). In addition, BJE consults with schools outside of LAUSD to support their efforts in accessing federal funds.

For the 2024-25 school year, the BJE Consortium for LAUSD represents 27 schools with a total of 8,012 students in grades K-12, accessing over $1.6 million in funding and services.

As stipulated in the federal regulations Title funding dollars do not go directly to the school, but BJE, as schools' valued partner, consults with the district for the funds to be used to provide instructional and counseling services for students falling behind (Title I), provide professional development for administrators and faculty (Title II), and support for a well-rounded-education (Title IV).

COVID-19 Relief Funding

BJE staff assisted 19 schools in accessing over $350,000 in funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES). Funds were used to help schools safely reopen and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, eight schools were eligible to apply for the Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS) and four schools qualified for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) EANS funding. BJE staff assisted those schools in obtaining over $9.9 Million in EANS funding.

Foundation Funding

BJE Staff is committed to assist schools in accessing foundation funding focused on enhancing the quality of and increasing access to Jewish Education. Grants have been accessed from the Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation, Jewish Community Foundation, Jim Joseph Foundation among others.
For information about accessing government and foundation funding, contact BJE Senior Consultant Miriam Prum Hess (323) 761-8334.