Milken Family Foundation and BJE Honor Outstanding Jewish Educators
Since 1990, the Milken Family Foundation has annually sponsored the Jewish Educator Awards, spotlighting outstanding day school educators at BJE-accredited schools who represent excellence in a professional calling so vital to individual students and to the very fabric of society. Four educators receive the prestigious awards including prizes of $15,000 each. BJE offers its thanks for their tremendous contributions to educating Jewish youth in Los Angeles.
The Milken Family Foundation recently announced the 2023 Jewish Educator Awards to the recipients at a surprise assembly at their respective schools.
Mazel tov to our award recipients!
(Left to right, above)
Anna August, Judaic and General Studies Art Teacher, Sinai Akiba Academy
Rabbi Avraham Berman, 5th Grade Boys and Middle School Rabbi, Yavneh Hebrew Academy
Rabbi Moshe Tropper, Vice Principal, Emek Hebrew Academy
Sarah Shpall, 6th Grade Teacher, Wise School
"Jewish education is the most effective means of ensuring that Jewish youth understand our history and destiny, the responsibility to repair the world, and the joy of doing so.”
Milken Family Foundation Chairman and Co-Founder, Lowell Milken
“As a teacher, you may get acknowledged by your students, by parents, and within your school or organization, but an award that comes from outside your organization feels like recognition of what you as an educator do for the broader community. The Milken Award comes as a complete surprise – it’s not something for which teachers apply. It’s a chance to see your name counted among educators you know and admire, and it does feel like you’re part of something bigger. No teacher does the work we do in pursuit of an award, but to be recognized in front of our families and fellow educators is very meaningful.”
For more information about the Milken Family Foundation Jewish Educator Awards, please visit their website.