RESHET LA - #7 (of 10) - Flow Facilitators - April 15, 2021
The seventh in this series on wellness is entitled, "Flow Facilitators". This one and a half hour session will give you an overview of the flow state and an in-depth look at the various ways in which we can facilitate that state in ourselves and our students. Facilitated by Dr. Nick Holton.
What is this series about?
BJE has contracted with The Shipley School to provide training for Reshet-LA school participants. The contents of these trainings will seek to accomplish three concurrent goals:
1. Train participants in the foundation components of well-being, for both personal and professional application.
2. Train participants in Shipley's three-pronged approach cultivating and maintainig well-being:
- Counseling psychology
- Positive psychology
- Social Emotional Learning (Called SEED at Shipley)
3. Lay a foundation for the GRACE Implementaiton process toward educating for flouirshing (Grasp, Reflect, Apply, Coach, Embody).
If you are interested in participating please contact David Lewis.
Who is this open to?
This CoP/Partnership is open to all members of the Network. Prior participation in the CoP is not required to participate. We have an active CoP membership of 21 schools…but we are always looking for more! Join us! This is an incredible opportunity to address your school communities needs now, and make it a foundation of your school into the future.
RSENetwork Members who participate in the CoP are welcome to bring key professional partners to any or all of the sessions. During our first sessions with Shipley, 16 teachers joined us…your teachers are welcome as well. All RSENetwork members will have access to all materials used and recordings of the sessions, which will be housed on the Shipley server. This will give you the ability to share the learning with your teachers/professional partners to watch asynchronously, if you would like.