The Jean and Jerry Friedman Shalhevet High School

Shalhevet High School, located in Los Angeles, California, is a private, co-ed, Modern Orthodox, Jewish High School with a rigorous dual curriculum of Judaic and college preparatory studies. The goals of Shalhevet School are to promote the values of our Jewish heritage, the ideals of American democracy and a passionate support for the welfare of the State of Israel, within an environment that encourages critical and creative thought.

Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov Ohr Eliyahu

YESHIVA AHARON YAAKOV/OHR ELIYAHU 's caring and dedicated staff strives to encourage, support, and guide each and every student. They are excellent role models who demonstrate their passion for educating the "whole child." How can OHR ELIYAHU make this claim? The theory and practice of values are an integral part of the curriculum for every class at every grade level. Each month, the entire student body focuses on a particular character trait (in Hebrew, middah).

Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn (boys)

Established in 1953, YRITEA has grown to be the largest Orthodox elementary Day School outside the New York Metropolitan area currently teaching over 1,000 boys and girls. Offering an extensive Hebrew studies program and fully accredited general studies program, YRITEA is at the forefront of providing quality and superior education to our students with many of our graduates achieving successes in both the worlds of Limud HaTorah and business.

IKAR Limudim

Limudim (?Studies?) is IKAR?S educational program for Pre-K though 7th graders, designed to connect our children to Judaism and the world through a stimulating, interactive and inspiring Jewish learning experience. For information contact Rabbi Ronit Tsadok, 1874 or email [email protected]

IKAR's Bite Size Family Shabbes Programs

One Saturday each month from 11:00 am - 12:00 noon. Ages birth-five years. Upcoming dates: 2/22, 3/22, 4/26, 5/17, 6/28

Join us for Shabbat-themed play and a Shabbat-friendly craft followed by our raucous and meaningful family service including tons of dancing, drumming, davening and singing. Then stay for challah and fresh fruit and IKAR's free vegetarian community lunch!
Email [email protected] for more info