Santa Monica Synagogue (SMS) B'Yachad: Jewish Family Learning

SMS B?Yachad: Jewish Family Learning is the Santa Monica Synagogue?s program of religious education for youth and families. Synagogue members and their children meet together on Sunday mornings once a month to learn about the Torah, the history of Judaism, Jewish values and traditions, and the Hebrew language. Led by Rabbi Shira Freidlin and supported by Madrichim (tutors) drawn from our teens, the interactive Sunday sessions use the Jewish holidays as the starting point for explorations of all things Jewish.

Chabad Hebrew School of Santa Monica

Join us on Sunday mornings for Hebrew School and learn about our rich
history in an exciting way, discover interesting Jewish facts you never
knew, and learn how to read Hebrew and become an Aleph Champ. From
baking, to crafts, to games, our dedicated teachers plan lessons and
activities that students love! What are you waiting for? Sign up today
and experience an education that will last a lifetime!

The Open Temple Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Lori and MooMoo Musica

Friday at 4 pm, May 10, Jun 14, Jul 12, Aug 9.
Electric Lodge Dance Studio
A musical Tot Shabbat Service with Juliann from MooMoo Musica
Motzei, Kiddush and Shabbat Love
Let's create positive and joyous Jewish memories for our children.

For Kids ages 7 and under.
Please RSVP here:

Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Lori and MooMoo Musica every second Friday of the month.
Song. Dance. Enchantment. Challah.

Beth Shir Shalom Religious School

At Beth Shir Shalom, we strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment for every child’s spiritual journey. In the era of information, we have revamped our program to prioritize relationships in a way that helps our students form deep and meaningful connections to their peers, our community, and Jewish life. Our dedicated educators and teen madrichim make this experience possible, and provide our students with positive Jewish role models who make them feel seen, embraced, challenged, and valued.

Palisades Jewish Early Childhood Center

Serving children from 3 months old with a full infant Center, Preschool, and Kindergarten. The first years of your child?s life are crucial to the development of personality and intellect. This is a period during which learning takes place at an accelerated pace. We provide the sense of security and loving, coupled with many innovative and creative opportunities to help children thrive during this stage of intense learning.