Adat Ari El Youth Group Teen Tisch (2nd Friday of Every Month)

2nd Friday of each month at 5:45 pm
The Adat Ari El Youth Group invites you to join us for dinner and a Shabbat Tisch. The Tisch, which is Yiddish for table, is a space for teens (8th-12th) to come together for a Shabbat celebration. We will sing folk songs and Jewish songs both traditional and modern, snack on some treats, sip some Martinelli's, and be together in community.

Yeshiva Ketana Preschool

Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles Core Values
Learning Should Be Enjoyable:

Children that enjoy learning, are motivated to learn, retain more information, and are generally happier. Through a combination of innovative teaching methods and integration of technology in the classroom, our teachers are able to create an engaged and exciting classroom atmosphere. By acting as facilitators instead of instructors, our teachers create an active learning environment.

Middos Tovos Come First:

Adat Ari El Religious School (Kesher)

Tuesdays, from 4 - 6 pm
Adat Ari El's Religious School (Kesher) is an engaging and innovative learning community. Our programs challenge our learners to discover our sacred tradition as we apply its lessons and values to our daily lives. We create a sense of community by encouraging our learners to push themselves beyond what they thought possible. For TK-7th Grade.
Program Contact: Director of Youth Engagement, Rabbi Emily Holtzman
Program Email: [email protected],
(818) 766-9429 ext. 241