Bebe Feuerstein Simon Early Childhood Conference
March 4, 2024
The Bebe Feuerstein Simon Early Childhood Institute is one of several BJE programs that offers quality professional development to early childhood educators. This annual conference attracts over 600 early childhood teachers for a day of learning, skill building and professional growth.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Chazakim B’Yachad – Stronger Together” and we will be hosting our conference at a new site, HAMAKOM. The schedule this year has also been updated. In lieu of a full keynote address this year, we will once again offer an extended dairy breakfast buffet followed by three workshops from our esteemed presenters, lunch, and a closing reflection session.
This year’s special conference will be in collaboration with The Paradigm Project, a national ECE organization. They offer high quality, innovative PD and with their partnership we are going to take our conference offerings this year to new heights. The full list of conference presenters and workshop topics can be found HERE and in a change from previous years, participants will have the opportunity to choose the workshops that feel most relevant and inspiring to them on the day of the conference.
For more information contact Carly Rosenstein at 323.761-8623.