BJE Staff Articles and Publications

Living Torah: Gateway to a Timeless Tradition, Rowman & Littlefield, 2024 (forthcoming). By Dr. Gil Graff

"Revisiting Aspects of Modern Orthodoxy in the United States, 1945-1985," Australian Journal of Jewish Studies Volume 34 (2021): 224-241. By Dr. Gil Graff

Jewish Law and the Law of the State: A Study in Authority and Dissent,” in Authority and Dissent in Jewish Life, Purdue University Press, ed. Leonard Greenspoon, 2020:85-98. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Reflections on Jewish Education in the Writings of Eliezer Berkovits." Australian Journal of Jewish Studies Volume 32 (2019): 89-104. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Jewish Education, Past and Present: Israel Freidlaender Revisited"  Journal of Jewish Education, Winter 2016. By Dr. Gil Graff

A Model of Affordability Introducing the Los Angeles High School Affordability Initiative 2016 by Miriam Prum Hess

"It Starts With Us"  eJewish  February 16, 2016 By Phil Liff-Grieff

"Responding to the Question “Mi Anochi/Who Am I?”: Experiential Jewish Educators as Narrators" Jewish Journal, December 5, 2015

"Giving Voice to 'Torah-true Judaism' in the U.S., 1922-1939: Leo Jung and the Legacy of the Rabbinerseminar."  Modern Judaism, Spring, 2014: 167-187. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Modernity, Judaism and Jews," in Bloomsbury Companion to Jewish Studies, ed. Dean Phillip Bell (2013): 181-206. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Toward an Appreciation of the American Legacy of Rabbi Esriel Hildesheimer: The U.S. Rabbinate of Three Hildesheimer Students.Modern Judaism, Spring, 2011: 167-188.  By Dr. Gil Graff

"First Stirrings: Jewish Education, American Style, 1776-1880," in Educational Eclectics: Essays in Memory of Shlomo (Seymour) Fox, Mandel Foundation and Keter Press, eds. Shmuel Wygoda and Israel Sorek, 2009: 99-125. By Dr. Gil Graff

"And You Shall Teach Them Diligently": A Concise History of Jewish Education in the United States, 1776-2000. JTS Jewish Education Series, 2008. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Central Agencies (Bureaus) of Jewish Education." In What We Now Know About Jewish Education, Torah Aura, eds. Roberta L. Goodman, Paul A. Flexner, Linda D. Bloomberg, 2008: 365-372. By Dr. Gil Graff

Co-author, "History of Jews in Los Angeles." Encyclopedia of American Jewish History (2007), 1:132-134. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Jewish Education in the United States of America." Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd ed. (2007), 6:189-204. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Public Schooling and Jewish Education, 1845-1870: A Contemporary Perspective." Journal of Jewish Education,Spring-Summer, 2003: 69-76. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Primary Sources Revisited: Methodology in the Study of Jewish History in Jewish Secondary Schools," in Academic Approaches to Teaching Jewish Studies, University
Press of America, ed. Zev Garber, 2000: 297-315. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Whither Jewish Education? The Educational Meaning of a Transformational Event." Journal of Jewish Education,Spring, 1996: 35-37. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Dollars, Education and Jewish SurvivalJewish Education, Spring, 1994: 12-13. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Nachmanides and the Maimonidean Controversy: Unity and Diversity—A Legacy of Sepharad." Jewish Spectator, Spring, 1993: 33-35. By Dr. Gil Graff

"Bureaus of Jewish Education and the Supplementary SchoolJewish Education, Winter, 1992: 12-14. By Dr. Gil Graff

“Priests, Sages and the Jurisdiction of the High Court, 50-100 C.E.: A Note on the Demotion of Rabban Gamaliel.” Shofar (Purdue University), Winter, 1990: 1-7. By Dr. Gil Graff

Community Based Models of Post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah Jewish Education: The L.A. Experience.” Jewish Education, Winter 1988:41-44. By Dr. Gil Graff

“Samson Raphael Hirsch: 100 Years Later.” Shofar (Purdue University), Fall, 1988: 48-59. By Dr. Gil Graff

“From Jerusalem to Brunswick: The Metamorphosis of Dina de-Malkhuta Dina” (Hebrew). Bitzaron, Spring, 1986: 59-63. By Dr. Gil Graff

Separation of Church and State: Dina de-Malkhuta Dina in Jewish Law, 1750-1848. University of Alabama Press, 1985. By Dr. Gil Graff

Co-Author, “Occupational Licensing: Factoring It Out.” Pacific Law Journal, January, 1978: 147-163. By Dr. Gil Graff