BJE: Builders of Jewish Education is an independent, donor-supported organization. BJE provides meaningful Jewish experiences for children, families and educators, and supports high quality Jewish education across the full Jewish religious and cultural spectrum, throughout greater Los Angeles.
BJE works with families and Jewish educators to help children grow deep Jewish roots based on Jewish knowledge and values. These roots allow them to be involved in our community and our future.
BJE: Builders of Jewish Education is…
• A resource to help families with children from birth through high school find the right experiences and path for their Jewish journey;
• A source for best practices, professional development and coaching to help Jewish educational institutions reach their fullest potential; and
• A vehicle for making Jewish educational opportunities more affordable through grants, endowments, and joint purchasing.
- Bring together educators and board leaders in early childhood, part-time and day schools to
- Learn, collaborate and innovate
- Introduce new programs and ideas
- Enhance skills through workshops, retreats, and institutes
- Accredit schools
- Make Jewish education engaging and responsive
- Harness community resources, grants & government funding for student scholarships, support services, and professional training
- Assist schools in fundraising & endowment development
- Help teachers to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each child
- Connect Jewish children & teens to the best programs for them through BJE's JKIDLA - an online resource & concierge service
- Provide teen experiential education
- BJE March of the Living - immerse teens in the Jewish past, present & future, and strengthen Jewish identity through travel in Poland & Israel
- BJE Impact & Teen Service Corps - community service & social action grounded in Jewish learning