For Parents and Families

Early childhood education is, for many families, the beginning of their child's Jewish education. BJE works to ensure that the early childhood educational experience is of high quality and encourages families to continue their children’s Jewish educational journeys. BJE works with families to help them find the right early childhood experience for their child and works with Early Childhood Centers and Parent & Me programs directly to ensure that that experience is the best that it can be.  

JKidLA is BJE’s web resource, designed to provide one place for families to get a comprehensive listing of the countless formal and informal Jewish educational opportunities and resources in greater Los Angeles. JKidLA's concierge, Rachel Kaplan, is also available to parents seeking more personal guidance about their children’s Jewish education options. To sign up for bi-monthly emails which contain all the latest events, programs, open houses, and more, please click here.

Listed on the left sidebar are multiple BJE programs of interest to teens and adults. Registration links to Teen Service Corps and March of the Living programs are found there when programs are open.  Abby Cutler and Lily Khalili are available to answer questions for both these programs.