BJE Impact: Jewish Service Learning

For updates on  BJE Impact and BJE Teen Service Corps, as well as other service learning opportunities, please contact BJE's Program Director of Teen Experiential Education Lily Khalili
BJE Impact: The Center for Jewish Service Learning seeks to inspire Jewish youth to “Learn. Act. Reflect. IMPACT.” Our goal is for youth to engage in meaningful service opportunities that combine hands-on action, Jewish learning, and identity building, and we support and facilitate this through a variety of ways.
BJE Impact Teen Service Corps is a teen program which engages teens in direct community service and service learning. They volunteer at different organizations each day throughout the year on the issues of hunger, homelessness and poverty, environmental issues, and more.  Volunteer work is followed by reflection activities led by Teen Service Corps educators.

Recent service learning:

Teens Helping Homeless Youth in LA

Area Teens Roll Up Their Sleeves to Help at Foodbank

Teens Volunteer at Para Los Niǹos