Tzofim (Israeli Scouts)

The Israeli Scouts Movement, or Tzofim, is the largest youth movement in Israel.

Non-political and non-sectarian, the Scouts established and developed a framework based on education and values, to engage youth in a variety of social and enjoyable activities.

These coeducational activities encourage and focus on personal development, friendship and camaraderie, a ?giving? and involved community, foster democratic group life with an emphasis on personal initiative, leadership and excellence, knowledge of nature, love of country and protecting the environment.

Mesivta of Greater L.A.

Mesivta of Greater Los Angeles seeks to promote the religious, intellectual, and personal growth of each of its students. Every one of our students should strive for excellence in both their religious and general studies. Our graduates should be educated so that they will be an asset to our society as successful, career-oriented productive individuals.

Gan Israel

The real beauty of Gan Israel, says the school's Rabbi and Judaic Director, Rabbi Meyer Green, is that every family, regardless of their level of observance, feels right at home in this environment. The emphasis is completely on the positive and on the experiential. From the Alef-Bet to the ABC's; the weekly Torah portion to Jewish ethics; subjects are not merely taught in the classroom, but are animated and brought vividly to life - with music, with dance, with stories.

Kadima Day School Middle School

Kadima Middle School is committed to providing an exemplary education by integrating a progressive general studies curriculum alongside an inspiring Judaic studies curriculum. Students at Kadima are challenged both intellectually and spiritually to discover, and explore the tools that promote not only academic success but the passion for lifelong learning.

Temple Ramat Zion Religious School

The Religious School strives to create a rich, vibrant learning environment in which we can nourish our children's growing Jewish identities, create a community of peers that is part of the larger community at Temple Ramat Zion and the global Jewish community, and build the skills that children will need to be participatory members of their community.

Valley Torah High School (Girls)

Valley Torah High School offers students and families a warm, friendly environment with an outstanding Torah and general studies program. We provide a comprehensive Jewish education with a primary emphasis on midos tovos. The teachers develop close relationships with their students and encourage their intellectual growth. The genuinely caring Torah-studies staff is always available to the students?at Shabbatonim and during all of our extracurricular learning programs.

Valley Torah High School (Boys)

Our mission at Valley Torah High School is to provide an excellent Torah and College Preparatory program that inspires our students to lead lives dedicated to Torah values, the pursuit of higher education, and personal growth, resulting in a successful interface with an ever-changing world.
Contact Person: Avrohom Stulberger
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (818) 505-7999
Address: 12517 Chandler Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607

Congregation B'nai Emet Preschool

Registration is ongoing:
FULL DAY PROGRAM (7:00 AM ? 6:00 PM):
This program includes early morning childcare, classroom from 9:00AM ? Noon, playtime, enrichment activities, naptime (if applicable) and afternoon childcare.
Ages infant - 5 years
Shabbat & Holiday Celebrations
Field Trips
Music, Dance, Cooking, & Art
Spacious Play Area
Nurturing, Loving Teachers;
CPR & First-aid Trained