Back to School Call to Action

On September 15 from 7-9 p.m. at Stephen Wise Temple, join professors, faculty, and students from the UCLA Jewish Faculty Resilience Group (JFRG) as well as other Los Angeles Universities, for an in-depth exploration of the challenges which they faced over the last year as well as upcoming challenges this Fall. Our program will include live testimonials, films, photos, and music; providing an immersive experience and powerful insight into the targeting and fear which Jewish students and faculty have had to combat on campus since October 7.

Sunday Funday with JBBBSLA

The Sunday Funday event features a wonderful brunch and a lively family-friendly carnival, raising vital funds and providing a day of joy and celebration. It is an excellent opportunity to support Camp Bob Waldorf and a cause that continues to make a significant difference in the lives of so many.

Nashuva High Holy Days 2024

Erev Rosh Hashanah Service/Festive Seder & Meal- October 2nd 6:00 pm (Clover Park)
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - October 3rd 10:00 am (Herscher Hall @ Skirball)
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - October 4th (Venice Beach)
Drum Circle including Torah Service 4:45 pm followed by Tashlich & the
Welcoming of Shabbat
Kol Nidre - October 11th 5:45 pm (Herscher Hall @ Skirball)
Yom Kippur - October 12th 10:00 am (Herscher Hall @ Skirball)
Nei'lah and Havdalah 5:30 pm (Clover Park)
Break Fast follows

Tour de Summer Camps COLOR RUN!

We are excited to announce the addition of a brand new activity at this year's Tour de Summer Camps: the Color Run!

This family-friendly event is designed for kids aged 5 to 17. Participants will run a looped course and get doused in different colors at every turn. The fun is endless! One parent or legal guardian must be present at all times for kids 13 and under to participate in the Color Run.

Start Times
Wave #1 - 11:00 am
Wave #2 - 11:15 am
Wave #3 - 11:30 am
Wave #4 - 11:45 am


Bubbles & Bagels is a weekly Sunday morning class for 12–24-month-olds and 1-2 caregivers. Featuring music, art, storytelling & movement, it's an excellent avenue for getting to know one another and the Temple Isaiah community. Lead educator is a beloved longtime Isaiah preschool teacher accompanied by a weekly rotation of Isaiah clergy, educators and special guests. Session one begins October 1. Build your tribe: sing dance, nosh & play in community!

Miracle Project Miracles in Action - Fall Term Online

Miracles in Action
Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:30 pm PT
August 15 - December 12, 2024
A fully-inclusive leadership development & mentorship program for teens and adults interested in giving back to The Miracle Project community. Through arts-based acts of service and community-organizing activities, individuals in the Miracles in Action program take the skills and characteristics cultivated in TMP classes and apply them as leaders in their communities.

Classes are online with opportunities for in-person events in the Los Angeles area.
Ages 15+

Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue Religious School

Religious school at MJCS is an engaging, friendly, and safe place for students to celebrate their heritage. We encourage our students to develop positive feelings toward history and Israel, to grow spiritually, to build a sense of pride in Judaism, and to engage in tikkun olam?repairing the world?in partnership with God. We also want our young people to feel comfortable in any synagogue, to have the skills and knowledge to perform mitzvot, and to be guided throughout their lives by the values learned from Torah and our evolving tradition.