If You Know Someone Who Need Help - Save A Friend 855-JFED-HLP
Based on Jewish values, our Federation stands on our ability to care for those who are unable to care for themselves. We know the pandemic has caused immeasurable damage and there are still friends and neighbors of ours who need our help. Through our Save a Friend program, you can help us reach them.
To make it easier for those who find it difficult to ask for the help they need, please use the tools below on your social media channels to spread the word about available resources through The Jewish Federation.
Please do a mitzvah today for those who continue to struggle by sharing this information ? and helping us deliver assistance widely throughout Jewish L.A.
Resources and assistance available include:
Financial Assistance, Utility bills, Medical bills/prescriptions, Rent/mortgage, Childcare, Funeral expenses (for the most indigent), Government benefits, applications, Groceries
Care for Elderly and Survivors - Legal assistance, Homecare, Socialization, Home-delivered or congregate meals, Case management,
Senior center activities, Reparations, Government benefits applications
Resources for Individuals with Diverse Abilities -
Support for parents, caretakers, and self-advocates, Regional Center advocacy and guidance, Government benefits applications, Workshops on CalAble, special needs trusts, conservatorship, and SSI/SSDI, Connection to social and recreational programs, Assistance with jobs and life skills
Vocational Support - Job search readiness, Career counseling, job placement
Food Assistance - Food pantries, Shabbat groceries, Holiday groceries, Home-delivered groceries, Home-delivered meals, Congregate meals, Gift cards for groceries, Legal Assistance
Landlord/tenant issues - Bankruptcy, Consumer rights, Eldercare, Reparations/pensions, Mental Health Support
Support groups - Short- and long-term counseling Referrals