Neighborhood: City
Grade: 6th Grade - 8th Grade
Program Contact: Isabel
Contact Phone: 310-280-0955

3/16/2023 - Volunteer Workshop

All workshops will take place at:

At Friendship Circle, 1952 S. Robertson Blvd

For… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: City
Category: Community Service
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22rpEAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


Recruiting for Good, is a staffing agency in LA that connects professionals to great jobs in Accounting/Finance, Engineering/Information… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Community Resources, Community Service, Community Resources, Community Resources
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22srEAA;a0W3n00000j22rpEAA;a0W3n00000j22sPEAQ;a0W3n00000j22t4EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce