
Stand With Us Internship
We are happy to announce that the application process for the 2024-2025 StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Pre College Programs, Social Action/Community Service, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22rAEAQ;a0W3n00000j22rCEAQ;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Age: 14 Years Old - 18 Years Old
Grade: 9th Grade - 11th Grade

Alexander Muss High School in Israel, known to most as AMHSI or just HSI, is a study abroad program in Israel for high school students… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs, High School, Schools, Jewish Private Schools (Day Schools & Yeshivot)
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22uOEAQ;a0W3n00000j22pvEAA;a0W3n00000j22rPEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Contact Phone: 800.327.5980


This non-academic program is offered to rising 11th and 12th graders - LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE
Located outside… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Summer Sleep Away Specialty Camps, Israel Programs, Speciaty, Travel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22vDEAQ;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22snEAA;a0W3n00000j22r8EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Grade: 10th Grade - 12th Grade
Contact Phone: 800.327.5980


This travel program is offered to rising 10th, 11th and 12th graders
Travel based program with accommodations in… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Israel Programs, Summer Sleep Away Specialty Camps, Speciaty
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22vDEAQ;a0W3n00000j22snEAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Contact Phone: 800.327.5980

AMHSI Classic
Classic 6-week academic program, formally known as Foundations Israel, will take students on a 4,000-year journey… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Israel Programs, Summer Sleep Away Specialty Camps
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22vDEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


American Israel Gap-Year Association (AIGYA) advocates for
increased participation in the Israel Gap Year for the purpose
of… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Israel Programs, Pre College Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22rAEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


Aardvark Israel offers long-term gap year programs located in the two most exciting cities in Israel: Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Everyone… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Pre College Programs, Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22rAEAQ;a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


ILSI is BBYO's elite 3-week leadership program in Israel designed for BBYO members, and welcoming Jewish teens from around the… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs, Summer Sleep Away Specialty Camps
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22vDEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Age: 14 Years Old - 18 Years Old
Grade: 9th Grade - 12th Grade

Travel with teens from around the world on a cross-country and cross-cultural journey in the Jewish Homeland. Discover Israel's… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Neighborhood: City, Valleys
Age: 15 Years Old - 18 Years Old
Grade: 10th Grade - 12th Grade

Registration is open until October 20 and, thereafter, on a space available basis. Completed (fully) applications for financial aid… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: City, Valleys
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs, Programs & Activities, BJE March of the Living, Teens
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22sQEAQ;a0W3n00000j22r9EAA;a0W3n00000j22pXEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Age: 16 Years Old - 17 Years Old
Grade: 10th Grade - 12th Grade

Seminar Classic: July 1 – August 8, 2024

Ramah Seminar is a six-week travel program in Israel, open to all rising 12th graders… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs, Sleep Away Camps, Summer Sleep Away Specialty Camps
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22uYEAQ;a0W3n00000j22vDEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Age: 14 Years Old - 18 Years Old
Grade: 9th Grade - 12th Grade

Explore the heart-stirring sites of the Jewish trial and triumph on a quest to discover the indomitable spirit and strength of our… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs, Summer Sleep Away Specialty Camps
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22vDEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


June 30 - July 27th
HDNA and NFTY have partnered to offer a 4-week trip for anyone interested in engaging with Israel through a… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Grade: 10th Grade - 12th Grade
Program Contact: Bella Nadler

Israel Experience Financial Aid Scholarships
In partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, The Federation… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Israel Programs, Financial Resources for Camps
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22rSEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Age: 15 Years Old - 16 Years Old
Grade: 10th Grade

Mach Hach BaAretz is an amazing and inspiring 5-week Israel summer tour for 10th graders. Fall in love with the country and form an… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Age: 17 Years Old - Adults
Grade: 11th Grade - 12th Grade

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (866) 864-3279
Website:… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Neighborhood: City, South Bay, Valleys

The MOMentum Year-Long Journey empowers women to connect to Jewish values, engage with Israel, take action, and foster unity, without… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: City, South Bay, Valleys
Category: Mom or Dad Camps, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22twEAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Address: Israel

Since 1992, more than 20,000 select high school students from the United States, Europe, South America and South Africa have been given… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: High Schools, High School, Israel Programs, Schools, Jewish Private Schools (Day Schools & Yeshivot)
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22rDEAQ;a0W3n00000j22uOEAQ;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22pvEAA;a0W3n00000j22rPEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


Co-ed for 10th, 11th, and 12th grades, Italy, and Israel for 4 weeks.
Euro Israel is an amazing way for teens to tour Europe and… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


July 6, 2022 - August 10, 5 weeks in Israel. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Coed

Israel ID is for teens looking to tour Israel while… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


July 6, 2022 - August 9, 2022, for 10th, 11th Coed, 5 weeks in Israel!
JOLT Israel is for teens who want to become leaders and for… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


Trip Dates: June 20-July 17 (4 weeks)

June 27th - July 25th (4 Weeks)… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Neighborhood: City, SGP Valleys, South Bay, Valleys

Summer Internships
Apartment-style housing in the Tel Aviv area.
Intern 4-5 days each week, Three Israel Seminar days,… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: City, SGP Valleys, South Bay, Valleys
Category: Israel Programs, Pre College Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22rAEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Age: 15 Years Old - 16 Years Old
Grade: 9th Grade - 11th Grade

June 15th, 2022- July 4th, 2022
Ages: 15 or 16 years old

Three Weeks of: Tel Aviv, Fun, Jerusalem, Spirituality, Masada,… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Travel Programs, Israel Programs, Programs & Activities
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA;a0W3n00000j22sQEAQ
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce


The Union for Reform Judaism's Sci-Tech Israel offers teens a hands-on learning experience in Israel - a living laboratory where… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: None Set in SalesForce
Category: Summer Sleep Away Specialty Camps, Travel Programs, Israel Programs
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22vDEAQ;a0W3n00000j22r8EAA;a0W3n00000j22r7EAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce