Naale Elite Academy
Since 1992, more than 20,000 select high school students from the United States, Europe, South America and South Africa have been given the opportunity to fulfill their dream of attending high school in Israel through the Elite Academy Program, a unique three-year scholarship program co-funded by the State of Israel and the Jewish Agency for Israel. The program, designed for academically-motivated Jewish students spanning all levels of observance and academic interests, is bolstered by a strong support network comprised of Jewish Agency professionals who continually interface with Elite Academy students and their parents. Elite Scholars receive full room and board, medical insurance, two free flights -- one each at the beginning and at the end of this 3 year program -- , small monthly stipends, and budgets for travel within Israel and maintaining telephone contact with their parents. In return, they are required to take their studies seriously, achieve the educational objectives of the Academy, and abide by its rules. After 14 years, over 90 percent of Elite Academy students have graduated from their adopted school and have received an Israeli Matriculation (Bagrut) that is recognized by the top universities and colleges worldwide. Because Naaleh is located outside of Los Angeles, it is not a BJE-accredited school.
Email: [email protected];
Phone: 972-2-6441145;