Tashbar Sephardic Yeshiva Katina
At Tashbar Preschool, our staff is a cohesive community of credentialed professional teachers and assistants committed to a philosophy of educational living through Torah precepts. Relationships are valued and nurtured; children, their families, and our staff work as partners in our program. Torah living is seamlessly integrated into an emergent curriculum inspired by the schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy, with the direction of the Creative Curriculum. Our preschool is all about being developmental, emphasizing the whole child. It is also about living Torah every day. Graduates from our preschool will begin to have a sense of understanding and appreciation of the importance of living a Torah life that stresses a derech of mitzvot and midot tovot. [email protected] (310) 652-8349 1210 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035; Website: https://www.tashbarsyk.com/early-childhood/