Neighborhood: Beach Cities, Santa Monica, Venice
Program Contact: Kirsten Hudson

Your home. A backlot studio. The Baal Shem Tov Forest in the Galilee. A golf course. The Western Wall in Jerusalem. The beach. A… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: Beach Cities, Santa Monica, Venice
Category: Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Religious School (Part-time Jewish Education), Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Schools
Category Text: a0W3n00000j29alEAA;a0W3n00000j22rQEAQ;a0W3n00000j29avEAA;a0W3n00000j22pvEAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce

Neighborhood: Santa Clarita Valley, Valleys
Grade: Kindergarten - 6th Grade
Contact Phone: 661-254-2411

The CBS Religious School Experience produces spiritually and socially aware young people who leave better prepared to take on the… read more

DEBUG INFO (Admin Only)

Neighborhood: Santa Clarita Valley, Valleys
Category: Religious School (Part-time Jewish Education), Religious Schools, Religious Schools
Category Text: a0W3n00000j22rQEAQ;a0W3n00000j29b0EAA;a0W3n00000j29aqEAA
SF Edit: Edit on SalesForce