Government and Association Representation

In addition to accessing funding opportunities, BJE represents all Jewish day schools throughout California on the California Private Schools Organization (CAPSO), and also represents a cohort of schools located within the Los Angeles Unified School District. 

CAPSO represents and speaks on educational and public policy issues of common concern and interest to private schools in California. An affiliate of the Council for American Private Education (CAPE), CAPSO supports open communication among public and private educational institutions, the California Department of Education and the US Department of Education.

BJE also convenes a consortium of its affiliated schools within the Los Angeles Unified School District to benefit from federal funds made available through Elementary and Secondary Education Act (formerly No Child Left Behind). In addition, BJE consults with schools outside of LAUSD to support their efforts in accessing federal funds.

For the 2023-24 school year, the BJE/LAUSD Consortium represents 29 schools with a total of 7,974 students in grades K-12, accessing over $2.15 million in funding and services. 

ESEA was re-authorized by Congress as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and went into effect in 2017-18.  It is anticipated that this new Act will result in even more federal funding for private school students both within and outside of LAUSD.  BJE plays a critical role in helping schools understand the regulations and access those services.

For information about Government and Association representation, contact BJE Director, Center for Excellence in Day School Education, Rabbi Jim Rogozen.